Surajpur Wetland - Natural Forest

Natural Forest

Overview of avian composition

A total of 180 bird species with 48 families were recorded

Habitat No. Of Species
Water birds 82
Woodland birds 99
Grassland birds 49

Fishes of Surajpur Wetland, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Family Common Name Scientific Name Conservation Status
Amphipnoidae Bam Amphipnous cuchia Not Evaluated (NE)
Anabantidae Kawai Anabas testudineus Data Deficient (DD)
Balitoridae Baatta Nemacheilus anguilla Least Concern (LC)
Channidae Shol Channa striatus Least Concern (LC)
Channidae Shol Channa punctatus Least Concern (LC)
Clariidae Mangur Clarius batrachus Least Concern (LC)
Cyprinidae Putti Puntius sopohorea Not Evaluated (NE)
Cyprinidae Putti Puntius sp. -
Cyprinidae Chilwa Chela laubaka Not Evaluated (NE)
Cyprinidae Rohu Labeo rohita Least Concern (LC)
Cyprinidae Tengna Mystus bleekeri Least Concern (LC)
Heteropneustida Singhi Heteropneustes fossilis Least Concern (LC)
Osphronemidae Kharda Colisa fascitata Not Evaluated (NE)

13 species of fishes recorded

Source : IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1.

LC : A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated and considered as Widespread and abundant taxa in the wild.

NE : A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.

DD : A taxon is Data Deficient when information is not available to define any criteria

Invertebrates (Butterflies) of Surajpur Wetland, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Common English Common English
Grass Demon Udaspes folus Large Cabbage White Pieris cruciferae
Common Emigrant Catopsilia pomona Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe Ringed Argus Callerebia ananda
Mottled Emigrant Catopsilia pyranthe Pale Grass Blue Pseudozizyerria maha
One Spot Grass Yellow Eurema andersoni Pea Blue Lampides boeticus
Poineer Anaphaeis aurota Great Swift Pelopidas assamensis
Spotless Grass Yellow Eurema laeta Indian Ace Halpe homolea
Yellow Orange Tip Ixias pyrene Rounded Pierrot Tarucus nara
Common Cerulean Jamides celeno Forget-Me-Not Catochrysops strabo
Blue Pansy Junonia orithiya Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicore
Common Castor Ariadne merione Large Threering Ypthima nareda
Common Crow Euploea core Tiny Grass Blue Zizula hylax
Common Evening Brown Melanitis leda White Orange Tip Ixias Marianne
Common Leopard Phalanta phalantha Indian Skipper Spialia galba
Danied Eggfly Hypolimnas misippus Grey Pansy Junonia atlites
Glassy Tiger Parantica aglea Common Bushbrown Mycalesis perseus
Great Eggfly Hypolimnas bolina Common Pierrot Castalius rosimon
Lemon Pansy Junonia lemonias Chocolate Pansy Junonia iphita
Peacock Pansy Junonia almana Dark brand Bushbrown Mycalesis mineus
Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus Pallid Argus Callerebia scanda
Striped Tiger Danaus genutia Common Fourring Ypthima huebner
Yellow Pansy Junonia hierta Common Rose Atrophaneura aristolochiae

Other Invertebrates of Surajpur Wetland, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Coenagrionidae Coromandel Marsh Dart Ceriagrion coromandelianum Least Concern (LC)
Libellulidae Ditch Jewel Brachythemis contaminata Least Concern (LC)
Libellulidae Globe Skimmer (Wandering Glider) Pantala flavescens Least Concern (LC)
Libellulidae Green Marsh Hawk Orthetrum sabina Least Concern (LC)
Libellulidae Pied Paddy Skimmer Neurothemis tullia Least Concern (LC)
Libellulidae Ruddy Marsh Skimmer Crocothemis servilia Least Concern (LC)
Scolopendridae Centipede Scolopendra sp. Unknown
Chitinophagaceae Millepede Arthrosphaera magna Not Evaluated (NE)
Hirundinadae Indian leech Hirudinaria sp. Unknown
Apidae Hone Bee Apis mellifera Not Evaluated (NE)
Ocypodidae Common Rock Crab Hemigrapsus edwardsi Not Evaluated (NE)
Arctiidae Moth Utetheisa Lotrix Not Evaluated (NE)
Ampullariidae Mollusc Pila globosa Least Concern (LC)
Viviparidae Mollusc Bellamya bengalensis Least Concern (LC)

Total Invertebrates 58 : 44 Butterflies, 6 Dragonflies, 3 Annelids, 3 Arthropods, 2 Molluscs

Source : IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1.

LC : A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated and considered as Widespread and Abundant taxa in the wild.

NE : A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.

Unknown : Category could not assign because the taxon is not identified upto species level.

Reptiles of Surajpur Wetland, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Family English/Common Scientific Scientific Conservation Status
Agamidae Garden Lizard Calotes versicolor Not Evaluated (NE)
Boidae Common Sand Boa Eryx conicus Not Evaluated (NE)
Colubridae Checkered Keelback Xenochrophis piscator Not Evaluated (NE)
Colubridae Indian Ratsnake/Dhaman Ptyas Mucosus Not Evaluated (NE)
Elapidae Indian Cobra Naja naja Not Evaluated (NE)
Scincidae Indian Skink Sphenomorphus indicus Not Evaluated (NE)
Trionychidae Indian Flapshell Turtle Lyssemys punctata Vulnerable (VU)
Hylidae Indian Bull Frog Rana tigrina Least Concern (LC)

8 species of reptiles recorded

Source : IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1.

NE : A taxon is Not Evaluated when it has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.

VU : A taxon is Vulnerable when the best available evidence indicates that it is facing a High risk of extinction in the wild.

LC : A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated and considered as Widespread and Abundant taxa in the wild.

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